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FC SE7EN's Boot Room Interviews - Feebz

Today we have our first female member of FC SE7EN getting interviewed people! We hope Feebz is first of many to sign up. We're proud of being a club that is open to everyone regardless of race, colour, creed, sexuality and gender. Our motto is "Out of Many, One". It's the same as the United States of America, which is all the more sobering, given the current climate.

Let's inspire everyone;

"One's Kind thoughts and One's Kind words are no longer enough. It is One's Kind actions that make the World a better place..."

Let's get started, shall we!

Who do you support?

Manchester United

When did you first start playing?

Very early on for me, at my Primary School – Year 3!!!

What bit of advice would you give to someone just starting out footy, especially from a Woman’s perspective?

Everyone’s capable, never think it yourself, never doubt yourself.

Do you think woman deserve equal play in the football world?

Of course – But as long as they deserve it

Do you play for fun, fitness, competitiveness or all 3?

I haven’t played for a while, but when I do, it’s all three

Do you feel like you’re underestimated because you’re female when it comes to a game of footy?

Of course – most people refer to football as a ‘guy’s’ sport, so girls are automatically underestimated

Who is your favourite footballer and why?

David Beckham – only footballer I ever knew the name of. But it's not just about knowing footballers, it's about my love for the game first and foremost

Dream 7-a-side team? Name them?

Anyone who can get us the WIN (I'm a very sore loser)

Our first Womens' Ultimate 7, and a top team it is!

Well you picked the right club to join Feebz!



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