This a personal blog first and foremost, although we’ve all been housebound, there were still many things to be getting on with, we organised 2 x matches for our return already!
What else have we all been doing during the lockdown?
I’ve been using the isolation to start exercising so I can hit peak performance for my return to football. I’ve mentioned how tough it’s been in the last year, what with my op initially and then my ankle injury. More than 6 months later, I’ve got close to a return. But this lockdown has had its benefits on a personal level to me. I’m planning to do another post, specifically on my own training regime, as I think it could serve as good foundation to many of you who wish to join our journey, pick up a ball and have a kickaround. For all my problems, I never used to exercise much at all before, so it’s pretty much a couch to the football pitch guide.
More on that later!
Anything else? Apart from having a sit down and look at how we look at organising things better and increasing the numbers attending, we have obviously created this blog too. We have an Instagram page, which I’m wrestling with currently. I’ve only just realised you can only upload straight from our phone. It’s good though, I’ve had a few liaisons with Photoshop and InDesign, which are some new tools of the trade. I now need to investigate some cheap options for photography, I’m thinking Photoshop will help neaten up some of my early attempts, but my current mob device doesn’t really hit the high notes we’re looking for. Both for the blogs and Instagram. So that’s been quite refreshing, I think that would be a good post for later. Some of the skills I’ve learnt since starting my blog.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much going on action-wise for me to be taking photos in the first place (sad face), but once we start putting this pandemic behind us, we will endeavour to get as many pics posted as possible. See if you notice the improved quality, yep, you heard me right!
We mentioned before that we’ve organised a couple of games for our return. It’s amazing that being starved of something you love, re-ignites your passion for it in a big way. I’ve been gorging myself on the German Bundesliga, Eintracht Frankfurt are my team. I have already put a hex on them, losing as soon as I backed them. Some things remain the same sniffle.
During this lockdown keeping connected to friends and family is paramount to your own wellbeing. We started a weekly pub on Teams at work, which is a good laugh. I can’t emphasise how important it is, but different strokes for different folks, I guess. Same with pre-lockdown, we try hard to organise games, it’s a good way of reconnecting with a bit of fun, a day after a hard slog at work.
There’s a lot spoken about work/life balance, as you all get to know me more, you’ll realise I’m not one for common stances. I don’t believe in all this talk about a balance. You have 1 life, that’s it, no further explanations needed. Compartmentalising things too much brings structure to your life, sure, but it also ends up meaning you think too much about the different parts of your life. Go and enjoy it ALL. You should be happy at work, going to play footy and socialising afterwards. They all meld into something called I call life. We’re all guilty of over complicating things, I’ve always thought, keep it simple. Screwing up something simple is certainly harder to do than something complicated. Right?
SIDE NOTE: Fortnite, yes, online 100 player battle royale game which is cross platform. It’s been a gift from the heavens! I’ll be honest, there’s a lot of people who pass sneering looks or comments when we mention it. Have any of them played it? No? Yeah, it’s a pretty simple game, child-like in some respects. But that’s the glory of it. You login and play……..and while you’re all laughing at the simplicity, you get to re-connect with your friends. I’d rather be doing that than sitting on my own watching a box set. The countless laughs I’ve had on this game, is too many to count. Download it and share your nicknames with us, I reckon you will be won round.
That’s all to report for now. It’s a been a tough time for all f us, but I feel I’ve really made the most of it. Getting healthy for the first prolonged period of my life (all of which without playing footy) has given me energy and a newfound lust for life and football. Energy for this blog, energy to build a bit more structure and plan out how we’re going to get this show on the road. We’ve done a lot already, but we can’t wrest on our laurels.
We hope you’re enjoying the journey so far and find some inspiration to either join us in organising a friendly kickaround or to discover a new hobby.
Good Luck!